[OCLUG-devel] Another simple question

James Colannino james at colannino.org
Mon May 23 23:54:55 PDT 2005

Hey everyone.  Check out the following line of code:

ebuf->size *= 2;  /* copied from one of my C books */

This must seem a stupid question, but I for the life of me can't figure
out what the "->" and "*=" symbols mean.  I'd google if I could, but I
wouldn't know what to look for.  Thanks in advance :)


My blog: http://www.crazydrclaw.com/
My homepage: http://james.colannino.org/

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free
state, THE RIGHT of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE
INFRINGED." --United States Constitution, Second Ammendment

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