[OCLUG-devel] Memory Leaks

James Colannino james at colannino.org
Wed May 25 22:53:59 PDT 2005

Hey everyone.  I have a more abstract question about what happens during
a memory leak.  I know that a program "leaks memory" when it
continuously allocates more RAM without freeing it.  My question is,
what happens when the process terminates?  Does the leak only effect the
system while the process is running, or is the memory permanently lost
until the next reboot?  The thing that brought this up was that I was
reading a couple days ago in my C book about memory leaks.  I guess this
would probably be a good time for me to learn about how Linux manages


My blog: http://www.crazydrclaw.com/
My homepage: http://james.colannino.org/

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state, THE RIGHT of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE
INFRINGED." --United States Constitution, Second Ammendment

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