[OCLUG-devel] help with sockets

Joshua Robinson shooki.robinson at gmail.com
Sat May 10 10:34:52 PDT 2014

Greetings OCLugers,

Thank you ALL for suggestions, remarks & codes...finally got it to work !.

Current project I am the "bad" guy - I am writing a small SPAM program (run
inside our system ONLY) to generate dumi emails. Since I never did sockets
before need any help. I think got where to  fake_addr  should be, but CAN'T
figure where to put user_name, and how to attach an external file

here is some code fragments:

char user_name[100] = {0}, fake_add[100]  = {0}, filename[100]  = {0};

   if (argc < 3) {
       printf("Usage: -s <host> -u <user_name> -f <file_name>\n");
s_name           = getservbyname("smtp", "tcp");
s_in.sin_port    = s_name->s_port; //port 25
s_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
printf("11"); //dbg
h_name = gethostbyname(fake_add);
//-Original-  h_name = gethostbyname("scotty.test.static.org");
printf("22"); //dbg

Best Wishes,
Joshua Robinson
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